Unlike most younger mothers I wasn't hit with overwhelming, maternal instincts at a young age. I loved children but I never had the patience to truly enjoy them. On the other hand I didn't get pregnant by accident either. Lots of people assume I did and a surprising amount of people ask me about it. I am proud to say that we tried to get pregnant and before we knew it, those little blue lines appeared magically on a test confirming that we were expecting our first child. If anyone was surprised, not only at the fact that I was pregnant, but at the fact that I had tried to get pregnant, it was me. If you had asked me even a year earlier I would have laughed at the idea of being a mother at any age, let alone at 21. when I thought of motherhood I thought of horrible, demanding children, constant lack of sleep, never being able to do the things I wanted to, when I wanted to etc. I was selfish I admit, but that was how I viewed it. Rasmus however was excited. He spoke often of a little toddler calling out 'Papa' and running around the house naked. I thought he was a little crazy but the idea was planted in my head. We spoke about it often after that and very slowly the idea grew into something more. After months of talking, being a young mother suddenly seemed to be the most logical thing in the world. It slowly dawned on me how beautiful and utterly incredible the ability to create another life was, a tiny new life that began from me and the boy that I loved. I realised I had the ability to raise my child to be a kind, generous and loving person who had the power to make the world a better place. I could show him the magic that existed here and to rediscover it for myself, all over again with the same drive and passion for life that I already had - something, I believe, which young mothers are lucky to be endowed with. I didn't just want to have a child but I wanted to grow and learn with him. Since August was born my life has changed so much it was almost like I too was reborn and the thoughts that plagued me when I was younger seem like a stranger's thoughts to me now. Education and having a career, travelling and enjoying each day after having a child is so possible at a young age and even enhanced. Now, the three of us are living simply, loving and growing up together. Our dreams and goals, travels and living the life we want to is shared and enjoyed with our incredible son.
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Taken by my Rasmus |
* Younger parents = Young adults who are able to sufficiently support themselves and their child. I am not condoning teenage pregnancy.
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